Internal Angle Measurement
The Gyratory Angle Measurement (RAM) provides efficient and safe measurement of the internal angle of gyration in Superpave gyratory compactors according to AASHTO T 344. Be confident your machine is compacting at the correct internal angle of gyration.
Load Simulation
The Gyratory Angle Measurement (RAM) Device simulates the forces applied to a gyratory compactor frame from within the mold, which provides consistent frame loading with reproducible angle measurements. This approach also lets one evaluate the performance of an SGC at different tilting moments by changing the radius (eccentricity) of the contact rings on each end of the RAM. As the eccentricity increases, the applied internal moment increases. The RAM is supplied with integrated 22-mm eccentric (44-mm diameter) loading rings for typical AASHTO T 344 internal angle measurements and a pair of 32-mm eccentric (64-mm diameter) loading rings for calibrating compactors equipped with shear instrumentation.
Fast. Simple. Safe.
- No Computer: The instrument is self-contained with push button controls and a display screen. Turn on the device. Gyrate it inside the mold. Extrude it. And, read the result on the display. The device stores no test data.
- No Asphalt Mix: This minimizes the possibility that asphalt debris will affect angle measurement.
- Completed at Room Temperature: Pine strongly recommends making internal angle measurements at room temperature. Using the device at elevated temperatures may damage the unit’s electronics.
- Traceable Verification & Calibration: AASHTO T 344 requires annual verification of the calibration tube with traceable standards and annual verification of the RAM device. Before each use, AASHTO T 344 requires verification of the RAM device using the calibration tube included in the RAM Kit. Pine certifies the tube for one year, which provides traceable verification & calibration. Pine also inspects the RAM device’s wear parts during each annual service to ensure proper performance.
The Gyratory Angle Measurement (RAM) Kit is a patented device. Pine sells the AFLS1 only in the United States and Canada because of licensing restrictions.
3 Volt, Lithium coin-type batteries (CR2450, 3 required)
Instrument: 150 mm OD X 123.5 mm H
520-mm 444-mm X 203-mm (20.5” X 17.5” X 8.0”)
Instrument: 6.4 kg (14 lbs.) Instrument & Case: 16 kg (35 lbs.)
Built-in digital display
Measurement Range:
0.40º to 2.0º
Temperature Range:
18ºC to 40ºC
Thoroughly clean the gyratory compactor, the molds, the end plates, and the RAM kit before measuring the internal angle. Clean the RAM and the calibration tube by wiping them with WD-40.
Annual factory service of the RAM and calibration tube are recommended given the effect of internal angle on test specimens and its known importance for repeatability and reproduceability. AASHTO T 344 requires annual verification of the RAM device and the tube. Wear parts on the RAM device warrant regular inspection depending on use frequency.
Lubricate the surfaces of the RAM that contact a mold while it is measuring the internal angle of gyration each time the RAM is used.
Inspect molds carefully prior to measuring the internal angle. Molds or end plates that have excessive wear, are deformed, or have gouges may affect the resulting measurements.
3 Volt, Lithium coin-type batteries (CR2450, 3 required)
Instrument: 150 mm OD X 123.5 mm H
520-mm 444-mm X 203-mm (20.5” X 17.5” X 8.0”)
Instrument: 6.4 kg (14 lbs.) Instrument & Case: 16 kg (35 lbs.)
Built-in digital display
Measurement Range:
0.40º to 2.0º
Temperature Range:
18ºC to 40ºC
Thoroughly clean the gyratory compactor, the molds, the end plates, and the RAM kit before measuring the internal angle. Clean the RAM and the calibration tube by wiping them with WD-40.
Annual factory service of the RAM and calibration tube are recommended given the effect of internal angle on test specimens and its known importance for repeatability and reproduceability. AASHTO T 344 requires annual verification of the RAM device and the tube. Wear parts on the RAM device warrant regular inspection depending on use frequency.
Lubricate the surfaces of the RAM that contact a mold while it is measuring the internal angle of gyration each time the RAM is used.
Inspect molds carefully prior to measuring the internal angle. Molds or end plates that have excessive wear, are deformed, or have gouges may affect the resulting measurements.
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