5000-lb. Proving Ring – ISO 17025-Certified



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Use Pine’s 5000-lb. Proving ring to calibrate and verify force on your Pine 125X, G1, and G2 Superpave Gyratory Compactors.  Pine offers the 5000-lb. proving ring for purchase, including a certificate of calibration.  Pine also offers recalibration service for the 5000-lb. proving ring.

Re-Certification Interval

AASHTO R18 does not specify the re-certification interval for measurement standards.  Therefore, AASHTO follows the recommendation of the manufacturer, which is 24 months for Pine Proving Rings.

ISO 17025-Certified Calibration

AASHTO R18-17 Section requires measurement standards, which includes Pine Proving Rings, calibrated on or after January 1, 2018 to be calibrated by a laboratory that is ISO 17025-certified to calibrate the Proving Ring according to ASTM E74.  You may purchase AASHTO R18 from the AASHTO Bookstore.  You may acquire ASTM E74 from ASTM International.

Does the ISO 17025 Requirement Affect Your Proving Ring?

The ISO 17025 Requirement applies to Pine Proving Rings that meet ALL of the following requirements.

  1. The Proving Ring calibration date is on or after January 1, 2018.
  2. You use the Proving Ring to conduct an official calibration or standardization of your gyratory compactor.  An official calibration/standardization includes a certificate.
  3. Your laboratory is AASHTO accredited or is seeking AASHTO accreditation.

Pine Re-Certification Services

Pine offers both ISO 17025-certified and non-ISO 17025-certified calibrations.  Specify the type of calibration that you need when contacting us.

Pine Gyratory Compactor Calibration Services

The service provided for your Pine Gyratory Compactor by Pine Field Service Technicians complies with AASHTO R18-17 by using ISO 17025-certified calibration tools as required.